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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Games that make me feel like HELL YEAH!!!!!!

Adrenalin, my favorite of all the hormones and neuro-transmitters.

1. Mirror’s Edge6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wi I can safely tell you I still get close to weeing myself killing that last BASTARDO in the shard, even though I’ve completed it well over 14 times and managed to get 2 platinum's for it.

2. Bioshock6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wiYou’re going round in that biosphere and Andrew Ryan’s voice is melting in your ears, and there, suddenly, there it is, Rapture. Gets me every time.

3. Tomb Raider Last Revelations. – Coastal Ruins

6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wi I’m not joking when I say that this is the best level I remember playing from my childhood. You walk up and the camera spins with the sun setting. All in graphics that make you wanna puke, amazing.

4. Oasis – Fallout 3

6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wi You know that searching through those cliff faces to find that well hidden path with always be worth it when you see that fresh green against the squalid beige and bleach colours. 

5. Dead Space – Landing on the Ishimura.


My god, this game. I’ve never been quite so close to shitting myself in the first 5 minutes of a game before, But the adrenalin rush you get when you see your first necromorph…bloody hell. I played this game in a time in my life when I was particularly fucked up and it’s really stuck with me.

6. Paradise City – Crackdown

6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wiOooh, to have all that possibility at your finger tips, so many nooks and crannies to explore and find new things and drive and jump and kill and kick its breath taking. 

7. Capitol Building – Fallout 36a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wi It really sinks in how big the capital wasteland is when you see that for the first time. As with crackdown, you start to realize that you really never will ever COMPLETE this game. It’s like trying to see everything in the whole world

8. Mount Olympus – God of War

. 6a00d83451d0c269e200e553c9d6728833-800wiWalking up those stairs at the end of God of War, you really feel like you’ve suceeded. 

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