Getting into the games industry//Games Art//Games Articles

Monday, 31 January 2011


Whenever I point out that I’m struggling with my art, people always say that one, you need to be patient, and two, you can’t compare yourself to other people all the time. I can honestly say that I can’t help myself, and sometime it is so disheartening to see people succeed without any evidence of effort, it drives me up the wall. Then when I tell people this, they always say that it’s nonsense; secretly they’re trying their hardest just like the rest of us. But is it really the case? All I heard about when I was younger was this ‘Natural Talent’ that so many people seemed to have, and now that I’m nearly twenty it seems the exact opposite: that in fact, it doesn’t matter at all your natural born talent, it’s just the hard work that gets you where you want to be. It’s all shit in my eyes, people just make this bloody stuff up to get you to do what they want you to!


Anyway. Environments (From Reference)

finished beachcovebeach

1 comment:

  1. There is something to be said for natural aptitude, an eye for anatomy and tone and such, but you can absolutely overtake those people if they are a lazy and you are hard-working. Pretty classic Tortoise and Hare scenario ;D

    Pretty surprised (in a good non-offensive way) at your use of brushes and colour in this and the previous post with the portraits. Lookin' forward to seeing how you do without the reference, Emm ;D
